TFT Set 11 Sett - Info & Statistics
![Light and Shadow](/_ipx/_/
Light and Shadow
Passive: At the start of combat, squat adjacent units in the same row. Permanently gain 2% Attack Damage for each 1000 Health squatted.
Gains are doubled in Hyper Roll. Active: Slam the current target forward, Stunning them and dealing 270%/270%/9001% physical damage. Deal 120% physical damage plus 8%/12%/1000% of the target's maximum health as physical damage to enemies within 2.5 hexes. Fated Bonus: Gain 15% Omnivamp.Traits
Pair gets the Fated Bonus.
All Fated champions get 100% of the Fated Bonus
All Fated champions get 200% of the Fated Bonus
All Fated champions gain 200% of EVERY Fated Bonus
All Fated champions get 300% of the Fated Bonus
All Fated champions gain 300% of EVERY Fated Bonus
All Fated champions get 300% of the Fated Bonus
All Fated champions gain 300% of EVERY Fated Bonus
10% less damage
22% less damage
35% less damage
45% less damage
Umbral units in illuminated hexes execute low Health enemies.
Shield: 200 Shield; Health execute: 10% Health execute
Shield: 450 Shield; Health execute: 18% Health execute. More hexes are illuminated
Shield: 900 Shield; Health execute: 25% Health execute. Illuminate the whole board
Executed enemies drop loot: Executed enemies have a 100% chance to drop loot; Health execute: 60% Health execute