TFT Set 11 Sylas - Info & Statistics
Unchain The Demon
"Sylas dashes around the target and slams, dealing 200/300/1200 magic damage and healing for 110/130/600 Health. Then, he swipes twice, dealing 90/135/550 magic damage to nearby enemies."
Bruisers gain 20% additional maximum Health.
Bruisers gain 40% additional maximum Health.
Bruisers gain 65% additional maximum Health.
Bruisers gain 80% additional maximum Health. Every 3 seconds, Bruisers deal 6% bonus physical damage on their next attack.
Umbral units in illuminated hexes execute low Health enemies.
Shield: 200 Shield; Health execute: 10% Health execute
Shield: 450 Shield; Health execute: 18% Health execute. More hexes are illuminated
Shield: 900 Shield; Health execute: 25% Health execute. Illuminate the whole board
Executed enemies drop loot: Executed enemies have a 100% chance to drop loot; Health execute: 60% Health execute