TFT Set 11 Yone - Info & Statistics
Fate Sealed
Dash in spirit form to the farthest enemy within 3 Hexes for 3 seconds, dealing 165%/165%/180% of his Attack Damage as physical damage and Wounding enemies along the way for 5 seconds. While in spirit form, gain a Shield equal to 250/300/375 plus 75% of his Ability Power and 75% Attack Speed. Afterwards, Yone returns to his starting position.
Each cast this combat increases his dash range by 1 Hex.
Additionally, Reapers bleed enemies for bonus true damage over 3 seconds.
Reapers gain 25% Critical Strike Chance.
Reapers gain 25% Critical Strike Chance and bleed enemies for 50% bonus true damage over 3 seconds.
Umbral units in illuminated hexes execute low Health enemies.
Shield: 200 Shield; Health execute: 10% Health execute
Shield: 450 Shield; Health execute: 18% Health execute. More hexes are illuminated
Shield: 900 Shield; Health execute: 25% Health execute. Illuminate the whole board
Executed enemies drop loot: Executed enemies have a 100% chance to drop loot; Health execute: 60% Health execute