TFT Set 12 Neeko - Info & Statistics


Transform into a Crab for 2 seconds. Over the duration, regain 12% health and release scuttleblasts at 3 nearby allies and 3 nearby enemies.
Allies hit are healed for 75/100/125; enemies hit take 100/150/240 magic damage and are
Cursed enemies become:
smaller, losing 120% scaleHealth
AND green, taking 6% of their max Health as magic damage per second
AND frail, taking 25% bonus true damage from Witches
AND a frog, stunned for 2 seconds every 8 seconds. All other curse effects are increased by 50%.
Cursed enemies become:
smaller, losing 120% scaleHealth
Cursed enemies become:
smaller, losing 120% scaleHealth
AND green, taking 6% of their max Health as magic damage per second
Cursed enemies become:
smaller, losing 120% scaleHealth
AND green, taking 6% of their max Health as magic damage per second
AND frail, taking 25% bonus true damage from Witches
Cursed enemies become:
smaller, losing 120% scaleHealth
AND green, taking 6% of their max Health as magic damage per second
AND frail, taking 25% bonus true damage from Witches
AND a frog, stunned for 2 seconds every 8 seconds. All other curse effects are increased by 50%.